Tacoma Family Photographer on Film | Brooke Holliday

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How to choose the right activity for your at Home Family Session

As a Tacoma Family Photographer I highly recommend an at home family session to all the families that come to me looking to have family photos taken. One of the number one reasons that I love at home family sessions is the opportunity to document your family doing everyday activities that you love and want to have documented from an outside perspective. (I’m talking to you mom, you get to be IN the photos too!)

Whether it’s baking cookies, quietly reading in bed or picking eggs out of the chicken coop, there are endless possibilities that will be 100% unique to your family. In this blog I am going to talk about how to pick the perfect activity for your at home family session.

Think about what your family loves to do at home.

When you are deciding on what activity you should do, brainstorm 3-4 activities that our family loves to do together. Make sure that it’s something that will bring joy to your children and something that you enjoy doing as well. If you have multiple children of varying ages think of something that everyone could get involved with.

Narrow down your at home family session activity to something that can be done in 45 minutes or less

Now that you have your 3-4 activities it’s time to narrow them down. It’s best to keep your activity to something that can be completed within about 45 minutes or less. The activity is just one aspect of your at home family session so we want to be able to complete it with spare time to get other photos of your family outside of the activity. Anything that will take more time go ahead and cross that off the list.

Decide on your favorite activity but have a back up plan

Now you may have 2-3 activities left on your list. It’s time to pick the favorite. You could get insight from your partner or ask your kids what sounds the most fun. I always suggest getting your family involved on the decision because it helps kids feel like they are taking part in planning the family photos! (Which can be so fun and special for them!) Once you pick the favorite, save one as a back up just in case something doesn’t pan out for the top pick. (IE backyard activities on a rainy day.)

That’s it! That is a step by step process for choosing your at home family session activity! You can scroll through some sample photos below for some inspiration to get your brainstorm started!

Looking for more info on how to prepare for your at home family session?